Learning to soften our hearts this Lent

For the past three years, Gretchen Crowe has been immersed in an extraordinary, yet daunting, task: telling the story of Rachel Muha and her son, Brian, who, along with his roommate, Aaron, were kidnapped and murdered during college. But, as Crowe writes,

Find joy in the simple things

On January 29, as winter storm Kenan pummeled the northeast, the Sisters of Life made the news when they took advantage of the winter weather and sledded around Central Park in New York City. The photos of white habits, big coats, snow

Signs of hope amid the storms

Gretchen Crowe writes about the deadly tornadoes that ripped through the lower Midwest, killing dozens of people and destroying homes and businesses. Crowe writes: “As these tragedies tend to go, after a time, the world moves on, while those directly affected are

With the eyes of a child, gaze upon the Nativity

For four years, the Vatican has hosted “100 Nativity Scenes at the Vatican,” which features handcrafted Nativity scenes from all around the world. While viewing images of the exhibit, Gretchen Crowe was reminded of the wonder and awe children often experience when

Let’s not make gratitude a (forgotten?) trend

Gretchen Crowe writes that gratitude should not become a forgotten fad: “Do you remember a time, in the not too distant past, when social media during November was almost synonymous with public statements of gratitude? For a few years there, so many

Join in pilgrimage this Advent and Christmas

Gretchen Crowe writes that “Advent is just around the corner, and with its arrival comes the return of one of my favorite new traditions. No, it’s not setting up the Nativity scene with the kids, or hanging the Jesse tree — though

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