Boots on, and do better, Hierarchs!

It behooves all of us to be thoughtful in our speech and our writing, and to train our tongues and pens to anticipate the unforgiving down-shouter tendencies of a world that barely hears before it bellows a return

Pride month is over; I have notes

It might be time to recognize that "Pride" is no longer a grassroots movement needed to win civil rights and fight oppression. When your government is putting out taxpayer money to participate in a month-long celebration, maybe your worries should no longer

There’s only us: Becoming the Church we want to see

We Catholics are fighting too much amongst ourselves. Our sometimes unclear, not-careful-enough leadership doesn't always help the faithful bring our best selves forward, so that we may be a church speaking credibly to the world of Christ.

All the uncharitable anger we're spewing