Help us to grow in mercy

Kathryn Jean Lopez reflects that with the end of Roe v. Wade, we have to think differently. There has to be a sense of urgency. Women get pregnant and what are we going to do for them? What do we have to

We need to love the walking wounded

Columnist Kathryn Jean Lopez writes how the fall of Roe v. Wade has brought with it an unleashing of demons. Lopez reminds us that the post-abortive are all around us and writes: “We have to love with a love that is in

Life in a post-Roe world

Columnist Kathryn Jean Lopez writes that she finds herself in an unexpected but happy place — a world in which Roe v. Wade has been overturned: “Thirty hours or so into life after Roe, I walked off a train in Washington, D.C.,

Weeping in our prayer

Columnist Kathryn Jean Lopez writes that Pope Francis has referred to “weeping in prayer” on multiple occasions: “Many of us are generally afraid of tears. We worry that it shows weakness, or imbalance, and certainly vulnerability. But it is probably when we

Come, Holy Spirit: Make us human again

Columnist Kathryn Jean Lopez: “Imagine a Pentecost there, where people reach out in loving and prophetic ways that go beyond Twitter or Facebook or wherever we are congregating. Imagine a place where there is truth-telling in love, in the tradition of St.

Our role in building a culture of life

Columnist Kathryn Jean Lopez comments about the recent abortion rights protest in New York City. She has hope that most Americans who consider themselves pro-choice are not pro-abortion: “When I walked through the crowd, all I encountered were people who were hurt

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