Are ladybugs named after Our Lady?

In some cultures, Marian experts say, ladybugs are named after a particular lady: Our Lady. “Only a limited number explicitly refers to Our Lady,” Father Johann Roten, S.M., scholar in residence at the University of Dayton, told Our Sunday Visitor of the

New baseball film ‘The Hill’ shows grit, faith

Rickey Hill’s baseball career began with sticks, stones and a little bit of faith. “I just picked up a rock because it’s free, doesn’t cost any money,” the 67-year-old from Fort Worth, Texas, remembered spending up to 15 hours a day hitting

Students’ mental health is important at Catholic LMU

As colleges and universities nationwide face a growing mental health crisis, some higher-education institutions, such as Loyola Marymount University (LMU), are prioritizing mental wellness for their students. The university’s Catholic values guide its dedication to student mental health and wellness, according to

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