The Ten Commandments: ‘The way we see things’

In the final piece of a ten-part series on the Ten Commandments, Leonard J. DeLorenzo talks about the Ninth and Tenth Commandments: Thou shall not covet your neighbor’s wife; Thou shall not covet your neighbor’s goods. He writes: “These commandments about coveting

The Ten Commandments: The tension of property

Leonard DeLorenzo, in his series on the Ten Commandments, writes on the Seventh Commandment, “Thou shall not steal.” The Catechism says, “The seventh commandment forbids unjustly taking or keeping the good of one’s neighbor and wronging him in any way with respect

The family calendar after lockdown

Leonard DeLorenzo observes that the gift in the tragedy of the COVID-19 pandemic is a kind of reset in the standard way of doing things. We are going to call what comes after “normal” no matter what it is. Now is the

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