Duty to the truth

Monsignor Owen Campion writes that when Judge Amy Coney Barrett, a practicing Catholic, was nominated to the Supreme Court late last summer, little attention was paid to her views, precisely as a Catholic, concerning capital punishment. This oversight was interesting since several

The blessings of sacramental marriage

Msgr. Owen Campion writes about the depth and meaning of sacramental marriage, using the example of Blessed Karl and Empress Zita of Austria, who put Christ and the Church at the center of their relationship. Pope Francis’ recent remarks about civil unions

To save unborn lives, we must change hearts

Monsignor Owen Campion looks at the possible future of abortion in this country if Roe v. Wade eventually is overturned. He writes: “Unless this blanket definition of human life comes, some legal observers believe that the Supreme Court will cancel Roe, which

Unpacking the term ‘reproductive rights’

Monsignor Owen F. Campion tackles the term “reproductive rights” in light of Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination by President Donald Trump to the Supreme Court. Even before the nomination, he writes, every commentary on the nomination process said that abortion would be a

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