Alaskan deacon proclaims the Gospel through icons

Simcha Fisher interviews deacon and iconographer Charles Rohrbacher, who says these “windows of heaven” are images that proclaim the Gospel. And images and the Gospel are meant to go together. Deacon Rohrbacher says, “But each icon at its truest is the fruit

Lazarus, death, and the tears of God’s grief

In Sunday’s reading from the Gospel of John, we heard the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. In her latest essay, Simcha Fisher reflects on the powerful moment when Christ openly grieves for his friend. “He weeps not despite his

How to deal with family chaos at Christmas

In an essay for Our Sunday Visitor, Simcha Fisher writes about her large family at Christmastime — the good and the ugly, with different personality dynamics. She writes: “One of the great mercies of being the mother of a large family is

The unofficial newcomer’s guide to the Church

You’re a brand new Catholic. Welcome! As you begin to get acclimated to the many traditions of the Catholic Faith, it is natural to be both joyful and perhaps even a little bit confused. There may be a thousand little details, customs and