From the Chapel — April 2: The noonday devil

Scott Richert writes: Yesterday, I talked about “hitting the wall” every year in the second to last week of Lent, and that experience reminds me of St. John’s description of the workings of the noonday devil. The struggle that many of us

From the Chapel — March 28: Christ in our midst

Publisher Scott Richert writes in his "From the Chapel' post of the importance of bells during this time of social distancing. At the Easter Vigil, after weeks of Lenten Masses without the Gloria, the priest intones the opening words: "Gloria in excelsis

From the Chapel — March 26: Be at my side

In the latest installment of his “From the Chapel” series, OSV publisher Scott P. Richert writes that now is a perfect time to strengthen your relationship with your guardian angel, who, in this time of social distancing and self-quarantine, does not need

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