Blessed Michael McGivney, Conformed to Christ Crucified, pray for us.
No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. (John 15:13)
For those who have died during the war, that the Lord will receive their souls into his loving arms.
Billboards throughout Ukraine are filled with photos of the fallen: smiling faces of teachers, musicians, doctors, IT specialists, engineers and others — husbands, fathers, sons — who sacrificed their lives for their homeland and their families. Then there are the civilians who died when war came to their city, their apartment building, their neighborhood. Children killed by rockets and artillery, grandparents who died in their sleep in a drone attack. Members of the Knights of Columbus are among the fallen, along with their families. No one is untouched by loss. Love compelled men and women to risk their lives for others — whether as soldiers, as medics, as aid workers or in other capacities that placed them in harm’s way. Love gives those left behind a reason to live. It is what helps us take courage and persevere when the trial seems unending. Ukrainians have a saying:”Heroes do not die!” This has a profound meaning for us as Christians.
Our loved ones have passed from life to Life. This does not take away our grief and longing, but it reminds us to strive for Heaven and to pray for those who have died, that we may be reunited in God’s Kingdom. It reminds us that we have all come from the arms of Love, and it is to that same, merciful embrace we entrust our loved ones who have died.
May we trust in God’s enveloping love around all who grieve, and in his mercy for those who have fallen. May the Lord give them eternal memory in his kingdom of everlasting peace!
May the souls of the deceased be at peace in God’s kingdom of light, where there is no darkness or sighing, and where they are fully alive. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer.
May God give the gift of conversion and repentance to all in danger of sudden death. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer.
Daily Prayers
A Prayer for Peace in Ukraine
O Lord God of powers and God of our salvation, O God who alone works wonders: look down with mercy and compassion on your humble servants, and out of love for mankind listen and have mercy on us and on the land of Ukraine.
Visit your mercies and compassions upon your humble servants, those who protect Ukraine and her much-suffering people, and hear us who fall down before your deep compassion.
For you are the health, victory and salvation of them who put their hope in you, and unto you do we send up glory: to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.
Our Father …
Hail Mary …
Glory be …
(“A prayer for Peace in Ukraine” is adapted from the Byzantine Iiturgical tradition, “Prayer Service Sung in Times of War,” in “Trebnyk, Book of Needs.”)
This novena is shared with the permission of the Knights of Columbus. Visit KOFC.ORG/UKRAINE for more information about the Knights’ humanitarian efforts in Ukraine.