Novena for peace and healing in Ukraine: For internally displaced people and refugees

2 mins read
Novena Ukraine refugees
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Blessed Michael McCivney, Pastor of Immigrants, pray for us.

And she gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. (Luke 2:7)


For all forced to leave their homes, that they may have trust and confidence in God’s care of them, and that they may feel at home with God wherever they are now.


When the first explosions rang out, there was still hope that it would pass very quickly. But with each new report and air alarm signal, it became clear: the most important thing to preserve was life. And so many women, children, and elderly people embarked on a long, difficult journey full of uncertainty. Parents with many children, grandmothers with their grandchildren, teenagers, and other family groups made up the millions of people who just days before had completely different lives.

Staying close to home, internally displaced people plunged into the trials of finding a place to live or work while battling homesickness. Refugees rushed like a wave to neighboring countries. Oh, how great God’s blessing was in all those good people who opened their hearts and homes to those fleeing war!That witness of evangelical openness and the welcoming warmth of family will remain in the memories of forced travelers for the rest of their lives. That hospitality and compassion helped them survive.

The daily suffering of all forcibly resettled people is in their longing for relatives still living under occupation, in their desire to return home, in their desire to find themselves. All the trials they face everyday, all the difficulties of adaptation, and the pain of their hearts call us to prayer. May we be faithful in our spiritual support.


May the Lord strengthen the spirits of all refugees and exiles from war, giving them confidence that he is with them in every moment of life. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer.

For all good Samaritans, that they may have the strength to overcome cynicism and weariness as they assist refugees and displaced persons. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer.

Daily Prayers

A Prayer for Peace in Ukraine

O Lord God of powers and God of our salvation, O God who alone works wonders: look down with mercy and compassion on your humble servants, and out of love for mankind listen and have mercy on us and on the land of Ukraine.

Visit your mercies and compassions upon your humble servants, those who protect Ukraine and her much-suffering people, and hear us who fall down before your deep compassion.

For you are the health, victory and salvation of them who put their hope in you, and unto you do we send up glory: to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.


Our Father …
Hail Mary …
Glory be …

(“A prayer for Peace in Ukraine” is adapted from the Byzantine Iiturgical tradition, “Prayer Service Sung in Times of War,” in “Trebnyk, Book of Needs.”)

This novena is shared with the permission of the Knights of Columbus. Visit KOFC.ORG/UKRAINE for more information about the Knights’ humanitarian efforts in Ukraine.

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