The inspiring story of St. Clare of Assisi

1 min read
Clare of Assisi
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St. Clare of Assisi

Feast day: August 11

Clare was born in Assisi, Italy, to a noble family. Impressed by a sermon St. Francis gave during the Lenten season of 1212, Clare received the habit from him on Palm Sunday. She went to live at the Benedictine convent near Bastia. In 1215, Clare moved near the church of St. Damiano, becoming superior of the growing community and remaining so for 40 years. There she founded the Second Order of St. Francis, known as the Poor Clares. Pope Innocent III granted them a rule of absolute poverty. Clare died on Aug. 11 and was canonized in 1255. She is patron of eye disease and of television.


O God, who in your mercy led Saint Clare to a love of poverty,
grant, through her intercession,
that, following Christ in poverty of spirit,
we may merit to contemplate you
one day in the heavenly Kingdom.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

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