St. John of Capistrano

1 min read
St. John of Capistrano
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St. John of Capistrano

Feast day: October 23

Born in Capistrano, Italy, John studied law and married the daughter of a wealthy family. He was later appointed governor of Perugia.
After receiving a marriage dispensation, he entered the Franciscans and became a well-known preacher. He worked to reform the Franciscan orders and was named papal legate in a number of places in Europe and Palestine. When the Turks captured Constantinople, John devoted himself to a crusade against the Ottomans. He led a wing of the Christian army in a victory against the Turks who besieged Belgrade in 1456. John was canonized in 1724.


O God, who raised up Saint John of Capistrano
to comfort your faithful people in tribulation,
place us, we pray, under your safe protection
and keep your Church in everlasting peace.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

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