Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels

1 min read
Michael Gabriel Raphael
Altarpiece of the three archangels. Marco d'Oggiono, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels

Feast day: September 29

The Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael are messengers sent by God and are the only angels named in the Bible. Michael is considered Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, and leader of all the angels. In the Book of Revelation, he leads God’s armies in the war in heaven against the Satanic rebellion. He is invoked for protection against Satan and all evil. Michael is patron of the sick, radiologists, and mariners. Gabriel, herald of the Incarnation, announced the births of John the Baptist and Christ. Gabriel is the patron saint of messengers, telecommunication workers, and postal workers. Raphael guides Tobiah in the Book of Tobit; he is patron of the blind, physicians, and travelers. The Church created the joint feast of the three archangels after the Second Vatican Council.


O God, who dispose in marvelous order
ministries both angelic and human,
graciously grant
that our life on earth may be defended
by those who watch over us
as they minister perpetually to you in heaven.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

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