10 things every woman struggling with infertility should know

Women facing infertility are urged to remember they are not alone. Catholic women, through their experiences and support ministries, highlight the importance of community, faith, and recognizing one’s inherent value and potential for life-giving contributions beyond biological motherhood. They advocate for embracing

One mother shares the joys and challenges of adoption

For Emily Stimpson Chapman, an adoptive mother of three, adoption reflects God’s relationship with humanity. “God calls us as children by adoption, so adoptive families are an image of God’s relationship with the human race,” the Catholic wife, mother and writer said.

We have a choice for new hospitality

For the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception this year, Catholics for Choice sent out an email with the subject line: “Mary had a choice. So, should we all.” Columnist Kathryn Jean Lopez writes how “there are people of good will who believe