Opening the Word: The Bridegroom

The feast of the Epiphany has traditionally been a celebration of three significant moments in the life of Christ. First, the Church remembers the coming of the Magi from among the Gentiles, revealing to the world that the babbling babe is the

Opening the Word: Sonship of the Son

Jesus undertakes a baptism for the repentance of sin. Likely, this gives us pause. Jesus Christ is supposed to be the sinless one. Why would he receive baptism? What is to be forgiven? The early Church asked these exact questions. Professing Jesus

Opening the Word: Unsentimental feast

For the Christian, sentimentality is a temptation. The sentimental person is so driven by the desire for strong affections, reducing nearly everything to kitsch or a nostalgia for some imagined past. This sentimentality can easily seep into the feasts of the Christmas

Opening the Word: Honoring the family

Advertising tends to romanticize family life. Christmas meals are celebrated on pristine tables, while adults, teens and children share a bucolic feast. This romantic commercialization of the family can creep into our understanding of Jesus’ family. We imagine a saccharine picture of

Opening the Word: Blessed are you

Belief in the modern age is often misunderstood. First, we can see belief as an irrational leap into the absurd. When Bill Nye critiques religion, particularly Christianity, he reduces belief to such a leap into the unknown. But Nye is not alone.

Opening the Word: A strange rejoicing

On the Third Sunday of Advent, God gives us space to rejoice. Gaudete Sunday gets its name in Latin from the opening antiphons, taken from St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians, “Rejoice (Gaudete) in the Lord always. I shall say it again:

Opening the Word: Radiant in glory

Clothing expresses our identity. It shapes how we’re viewed in the public sphere. The man who wears a flannel shirt, puffy vest and large plastic glasses appears as a hipster (whether or not he runs an artisanal cheese shop in Brooklyn). In

Opening the Word: Radiant in glory

Clothing expresses our identity. It shapes how we’re viewed in the public sphere. The man who wears a flannel shirt, puffy vest and large plastic glasses appears as a hipster (whether or not he runs an artisanal cheese shop in Brooklyn). In

Opening the Word: The hidden coming

On Dec. 25, Christians throughout the world will direct their eyes to the crèche, remembering the birth of our infant Lord. In Bethlehem, hidden from all except the poor and lowly, God has pitched his tent among us. How are we to

Opening the Word: A politics of love

Across the country, election signs are forgotten. The newest governors, senators, congressmen and women, mayors, and county commissioners will soon take up their offices. As residents of the United States, our elections are endless occasions of hope. If only the right party

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