What the mystics teach us

Russell Shaw writes that he’s had a hunch for quite some time that more people than we might suppose have had mystical experiences or, if not quite that, at least something resembling them. In Kathryn Jean Lopez’s new book, “A Year With

So, you’re too busy to pray?

For years, it was one of the most persistent questions I heard: “When are you going to write a book?” I heard it from friends, colleagues, priests and editors. I even got some emails from publishers who wanted to talk to me,

How did Catholic art save the Faith?

“Catholic art provided a means to re-evangelize Reformation-torn Europe with beauty and provided clarity to Church teaching amid chaos.” This is the assertion made by Elizabeth Lev, an American-born, well-known art historian, expert, international public speaker, and tour guide, living and working

A season of reading

We may not think about it, but Advent is right around the corner, and with that season of preparation comes the beginning of a new liturgical year. What better time to set some goals in our spiritual lives, such as reading some

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