The spiritual benefits of leaving home for Christmas

Our Sunday Visitor contributing editor Russell Shaw writes that while the conventional wisdom is that “there’s no place like home for the holidays,” he begs to differ. “When you think of it, leaving home certainly has good precedent. After all, as the

With the eyes of a child, gaze upon the Nativity

For four years, the Vatican has hosted “100 Nativity Scenes at the Vatican,” which features handcrafted Nativity scenes from all around the world. While viewing images of the exhibit, Gretchen Crowe was reminded of the wonder and awe children often experience when

Christ is born! So what?

Doctor Greg Popcak asks the important questions about the Christmas season: “What is the real reason the Word became flesh at Christmas? What does the Church say is really the ultimate reason we are called to follow Christ? Most importantly, why did

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