The journey of the Magi

As we approach the feast of Epiphany, Monsignor Owen Campion recounts the importance of the Magi’s journey to greet the Christ Child in Bethlehem — and how they sought the signs of God and followed them: “Finding the answer, and finding God,

On Christmas Morn

On Christmas morn I wake to find New peace in heart, and soul, and mind. Softly I tread the stairs to see Lights shining on the Christmas tree. Our children rising from their beds Find gifts beneath its branches spread. They gather

Opening the Word: A gift from heaven

Be ready for Mass the Fourth Sunday of Advent! Father Joshua Whitfield focuses on the consolation of Joseph. Joseph couldn’t have discerned on his own that “it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in’ Mary. He needed

How to deal with family chaos at Christmas

In an essay for Our Sunday Visitor, Simcha Fisher writes about her large family at Christmastime — the good and the ugly, with different personality dynamics. She writes: “One of the great mercies of being the mother of a large family is

How to celebrate Christmas like a Hobbit

In a new essay for Our Sunday Visitor, Kaitlyn Facista, creator of the online community Tea with Tolkien, explores how imitating the habits of Middle-earth’s Hobbits can help us reclaim a sense of peace and purpose during the Christmas season. Facista writes:

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