National Geographic, Down syndrome and a challenge

One of my friends recently posted an article on Facebook from the Catholic website Aleteia singling out National Geographic for creating and sharing an initiative called “Look at us a little differently” on its Instagram feed. The initiative, which first began in

No human being is illegal

He was barely 3 years old. Wearing black shoes and a deep-blue striped shirt, he pressed his face between the 30-foot-high, solid-iron bar fence that separates the United States from Mexico. Not even his tiny face can squeeze in through the gaps

Dignity of family

Having a small child face an illness that doctors declare to be untreatable and ultimately fatal is nightmare enough for any parent. But the recent high-profile case of Alfie Evans is a reminder of the human capacity to create further harm in

Race, the Church and America

As nearly 100 men marched on Aug. 11 through the campus of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, the flickering tiki torches illuminated not only a newly confident movement committed to white supremacy, who chanted “You will not replace us,” and “Jews

Against ‘autonomy’ that denies human dignity

“The Church must work in the coming months with unions, workers, the elderly, and the poor to counter the growing imperialism of market mechanisms within American public life,” said Bishop Robert W. McElroy of San Diego at the third “Erroneous Autonomy” conference

Dignity at every size

Editor’s Note: This story reports on a community that uses the word “fat” as a value-neutral descriptor. To best reflect this perspective, OSV has retained the usage of that language. Of the 108,485 adults received into the Catholic Church in 2013, one