Love is a Word to receive and believe

Catherine Cavadini reflects on this Second Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday, on Thomas the Apostle’s encounter with the risen Lord. John emphasizes Thomas’s “seeing.” Christ offers his hands and his side to Thomas’s touch, but he also then asks Thomas: “Have

Jesus’ zinger: His body is the temple

Father Joshua Whitfield reflects on the Third Sunday of Lent and the Gospel in which Jesus cleanses the temple. Jesus exclaims, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.” But going deeper, Father Whitfield notes: “If Jesus’ body

How to be whole-hearted to God

Columnist Catherine Cavadini reflects on Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac and the dazzling image of Christ in the Transfiguration. If Abraham is “wholehearted” toward God, Abraham must offer everything to God, which includes offering Isaac. In the Gospel reading for

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