A letter from a young, single, practicing Catholic

Ava Lalor, assistant editor and young, single Catholic, writes: This is a letter to all parents and grandparents who wish the best for their beloved young ones. This is also a letter reaching out to my fellow singles who are struggling being,

Whose will are we praying for, really?

When you look at your prayer life, how often do you pray for others and for God’s will? In her latest Openers column, assistant editor Ava Lalor shares how God has been guiding her to more consistent intercessory prayer over the last

What we can learn from the Martins, a family of saints

After reading the book “A Family of Saints” about the family life of Sts. Louis Zèlie Martin and their daughters, including St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Our Sunday Visitor assistant editor Ava Lalor shares three ways this saintly family sought holiness in their

A plea for unity amid zealous division

“It’s been a rough year, and it’s not going to lighten up any time soon,” writes assistant editor Ava Lalor in her most recent Openers column. She continues, “I don’t know about you, but there are moments where I am simply exhausted.

Will they know we are Christians?

Assistant Editor Ava Lalor writes in her Openers column that there is a lot of woundedness in the world and in the Church. This is nothing new. But we all can do our part to love more, to check our thoughts, speech

Reminder: Get caught up in Scripture

We are a little over halfway through 2020, so it might be time for a quick check-in, a short reassessment. How is your prayer life going so far this year? Assistant editor Ava Lalor has been getting caught up with spiritual reading,

Let your heart be pierced like Christ’s

The month of July is devoted to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. How appropriate that this follows the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in June: “Because once Jesus gave his heart for us, it was pierced and bled.

Remember, you are here for a reason

Ava Lalor writes: If you had asked me what my plans for June looked like back in February, I would have told you: busy. Between driving home to Illinois for a friend's diaconate ordination, flying to Washington, D.C., for a five-day conference

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