Fitness: Vanity, Vice or Virtue?

Did you know that fitness and leading a healthy lifestyle provides us with great opportunities for virtue? It’s true. And, in fact, it’s my opinion that fitness is one of the most under-utilized opportunities we have to witness to the Faith. God

Teaching my daughter about racism

Last October, I took my 4-year-old daughter on a pilgrimage to various civil rights sites in Alabama, visiting the holy ground where so many civil rights protesters showed their heroic devotion to the Christian faith and to our nation’s highest ideals. We

Realities of the Digital Age: Smart Phones

More than a decade after the first iPhone was introduced to the public, smartphones have become present almost everywhere in American life. At work, school — even the dinner table; and through all hours of the day, the technology has become integrated

New year, new habit: Read your Bible

Many people avoid reading the Bible because it is lengthy, its contents can be difficult to understand and — let’s be honest — a regular reading of the Bible requires a certain amount of discipline and commitment. Yet, we proclaim it during

Drug Addiction and the Impoverished Soul

The newspapers said the child had been killed by a parent but gave no details. The full story was that the child had been decapitated and disemboweled. The scene was so horrific that the investigator, a seasoned law enforcement professional, had difficulty

Young people are leaving the faith. Here’s why

Young Catholics are leaving the Faith. Multiple national surveys indicate that only about two-thirds or fewer millennials (those born in 1982 or later) who were raised Catholic remain Catholic as adults. The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) recently conducted

Lapsed Catholics weigh in on why they left Church

The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University estimates that there are currently approximately 32 million adults in the United States who were raised Catholic but have ceased to identify themselves as a member of the Church. A

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