Saving a country from the brink

Catholic Relief Services has supported programs to fight the HIV/AIDS pandemic since the late 1980s, but it was not until 2001, when I arrived in Zambia to start up the CRS office, that I had my first real exposure to its impact.

No human being is illegal

He was barely 3 years old. Wearing black shoes and a deep-blue striped shirt, he pressed his face between the 30-foot-high, solid-iron bar fence that separates the United States from Mexico. Not even his tiny face can squeeze in through the gaps

Letter to an angry young Catholic

Dear Jessica, I’ve been thinking a great deal about your email over the past couple of days. I am honored that you would share your pain and confusion with me. I, too, am hurting. I certainly don’t have all the answers, but

Looking through the ‘justice lens’

Some of the darkest days in the 75-year history of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) were in April 1994. Even as there was celebration of Nelson Mandela’s election in South Africa, there was horror at what was taking place in Rwanda: the slaughter

Following disaster wherever it goes

Catholic Relief Services, the official overseas humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States, got its start responding to an emergency. It was a big one called World War II, a massive shock that destroyed lives, homes and livelihoods, sending

Lessons from the Hellenist widows

The evangelist Luke, in Acts 6:1-6, tells the story of a complaint made by Hellenist members of the community against Hebrew members. The problem was that the Hellenist widows were not receiving adequate “service” during communal meals. So the Twelve Apostles called

Does Church have jurisdiction over the moon?

Nearly 50 years ago, Father Richard Walsh, a newly-ordained priest from Ireland, was settling into his first assignment at his first parish — Church of Our Saviour in Cocoa Beach, Florida, adjusting to the sun and sand and salt that were so

Communities unlock their dignity

Picture the work of Catholic Relief Services in your mind and you might conjure up images of people handing out bags of food after a devastating emergency, or digging a well to provide water, or delivering medicines and vaccines to remote communities.

#MeToo conference rethinks sexual revolution

“I definitely felt challenged, and for that reason I’m glad I came,” Allison, a junior studying philosophy and math at Washington College, told Our Sunday Visitor. “I definitely have a lot to think about.” She made these remarks soon after hearing evidence

‘The woman’ and ‘the two’

There has been a lot of discussion recently about women, such as with the “Weinstein Effect” and #MeToo. Misogyny in our culture is on notice, and the idea of womanhood has come to the forefront. In many respects, we have never before

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