An invitation to order, love and beatitude

Bishop Varden offers much specific wisdom in his book "Chastity: Reconciliation of the Senses." "The way to order, for most of us," he writes, "goes through disorder." To pretend that such disorder does not exist "is to entertain illusion. … How

Seven characteristics of a successful reading group

For sixteen years, Carl Olson and other Catholic men have been meeting every month to discuss different works of Catholic theology, philosophy, spirituality, history, culture and literature. Looking back, he reflects that it’s a minor miracle they kept meeting month after month.

Opening the Word: Jesus’ true identity

Even after 2,000 years, people continue to misunderstand or misrepresent Jesus. Examples are plentiful. From televangelists who churn out cheery books and breezy sermons that sidestep the realities of sin, the cross, and the Passion of Christ, to New Age mystics who

Understanding who the Wise Men represent

The story of the Magi, or Wise Men, is famous and mysterious, relatively short in length (appearing only in the Gospel of Matthew) but long in its influence on readers’ imaginations. It raises intriguing questions: Who were those “Magi from the east”