The domestic church is a witness to Christian love

Dr. Greg Popcak explores the differences between how the world tells us to love and how we are called to love as Christians. He writes: “The world’s vision of love is often well-intentioned, but that doesn’t make it any less destructive. Christian

Does the domestic church discriminate?

In his latest Family Matters column, Dr. Greg Pocak responds to those who think the term “domestic church” is too exclusive. What about divorced households? What about single-parent households? Or singles? Or grandparents? What about all the other household arrangements that exist?

How healthy is your domestic church? A quiz

Since January, Dr. Greg Popcak has devoted his column to exploring the Liturgy of Domestic Church Life, a model of family spirituality that helps families encounter Christ more meaningfully at home. How well is your family living the three rites that make

The ‘rite’ way to do family rituals

Scheduling time for your family to work, play, talk and pray together every day is an important part of living the domestic church. In his latest article, Dr. Greg Popcak shares the second rite of domestic church life: family rituals. They aren’t

Seven ways to manage ‘COVID Stress Syndrome’

The world is experiencing a historic challenge in the face of the global pandemic. Not only are people concerned both for their own health and the health of their loved ones, but the restrictions on normal activities and the economic repercussions of