The nuns of Rochester

I needed to hear some good news. Relentless reporting of sexual abuse in the Church and elsewhere has left me quite disheartened, but then came Ken Burns’ excellent documentary on PBS about the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. “Mayo” has long been

McCarrick progression

News reports in the first week in October took my breath away. Happenings at the Vatican seized my attention. First, Pope Francis announced the creation of an investigation to study how and why the ex-cardinal, Theodore McCarrick, went as far as he

Supreme Court reality

The recent debate on whether or not to seat Judge Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court was gripping, to say the least. One person complained to me that never had a nomination to the court created such controversy. Really? Most adult Americans

Benefit of the doubt

It will happen. The recent words of Pope Francis stating that the death penalty, under any circumstances, is wrong will not likely be music to the ears of many Americans, including many Catholics. Our country has remained the only major, developed democracy

Accosting our vocation

Somebody asked me how the news about Cardinal Theodore McCarrick hit me. When I first heard it, my mind raced through the many years that I have known the cardinal. He was unfailingly gracious, generous, considerate and proper in every respect. I

Supreme diversity

The suspense is over. President Trump has proposed Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be a member of the U.S. Supreme Court. The Senate now will decide whether this nomination will stand or fall. The nomination, along with the retirement of long-serving Justice Anthony

Losing the culture war

Here we go again. Argentina seems ready to legalize abortion. The lower house of the Argentine Congress has voted to allow abortion, albeit with many negative votes. Action in the upper house is pending, but many worry that pro-abortion arguments will prevail

The Baptists reckon

For once, Catholics did not make the headlines when it came to religious leaders and sexual impropriety. Recently, that distinction went to Southern Baptists, the nation’s largest Protestant denomination. (It is estimated that 100 million persons are Baptists worldwide, more than 15

Wedding royals

Somehow, Americans find royalty fascinating, if it’s British royalty. When Prince Harry was married recently, it was big, big news in this country. The king and queen of Sweden have a new grandbaby. The husband of the queen of Denmark died not

The right of Jerusalem

Imagine that the 180 countries having diplomatic relations with the United States situated their official representatives not in Washington, D.C., but in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Therefore, if Belgium wished to avoid tariffs in selling Belgian lace to American retailers, a rather non-controversial matter,