Portland is leading the way in Catholic education

The Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon, led by Archbishop Alexander Sample, announced that it is putting its school system under the overall priority of evangelization. Somebody in Portland knows American Catholic history and the value of living the Catholic faith. Two and

We now know more about the effects of abuse

It’s easy to forget what was happening in the early days of uncovering clergy sex abuse. At the time, most bishops and religious superiors reacted exactly as professionals; “experts” advised them to act according to the way people of the time —

Remembering a fearless man of faith

On August 6, Father Charles F. Strobel of Nashville — a longtime advocate for the homeless — died at the age of 80 after a long, slowly progressing illness. In a tribute column to Father Strobel, Pat Nolan, a longtime, very respected

The long history of Catholics and slavery

While few Catholics today would defend the evil practice of slavery, at the time of the Civil War, many prominent Confederates were indeed devout Catholics. They fell in line with general American society, especially in the South. Even today, there remains a