Turning Points: St. Augustine

In his second Turning Point feature, Russell Shaw explores the life of St. Augustine, a headstrong, self-indulgent young man who became one of the most important Christian thinkers of all time and a saint. Shaw examines the story of Augustine’s conversion as

Two visions of the Church

Our Sunday Visitor contributing editor Russell Shaw writes: “Recently, without intending it, I found myself reading at the same time the latest document from the Vatican’s synod office and ‘The Diary of a Country Priest’ by Georges Bernanos. The juxtaposition of these

Turning Points, Part 1: Paul of Tarsus

In a new series titled Turning Point, Russell Shaw will dive into the lives of people who after an encounter with Christ, became a disciple to go on to do great things. In this first piece, he explores Paul of Tarsus. Once

The call of Vatican II still resonates 60 years later

Contributing editor Russell Shaw looks back at the progress made — or lack thereof — in implementing the reforms of the Second Vatican Council. As we approach the council’s 60-year anniversary, Shaw writes that there is plenty of unfinished business pertaining to the

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