To whom should we go?

Publisher Scott P. Richert writes: “The reality is that many of those who have vanished from our pews over the past year had been only physically present for some years before that. As social pressure from friends and co-workers and family began

Wrestling with God

In his latest column, OSV publisher Scott P. Richert explains that the mission of all Catholics should be to evangelize to those who have rejected the truth about Jesus Christ, because perhaps all that soul really needs is a Christian who cares

Demons and Saints

Scott P. Richert writes in his All Things New column this week that from a young age, he was fascinated by the interplay of darkness and light. Growing up in a small village in west Michigan, without the light pollution of an

‘Lead, Kindly Light’

In their relationship to the men and women in the pews, we find a common bond between Blessed Solanus and Saint John Henry. Father Solanus counseled tens of thousands of people on their day-to-day struggles in the course of his vocation as

Incarnation and human scale

Scott Richert attended a conference in mid-September honoring of the life and legacy of Wendell Berry, the farmer, poet, novelist and essayist. The entire body of his intellectual work has been inspired and informed by his place on earth and the people

The best lack all conviction

I recently finished reading Walker Percy’s second novel, “The Last Gentleman.” I don’t remember having read it before, though the copy that I’ve owned since college some 30 years ago has marks in the margin that I recognize as mine.

Modeling rituals for our children

There’s been a lot of talk in recent years about the problem of the “nones” — the rise of the unaffiliated millennials — who have left religion behind (assuming they ever were religious in the first place). The phenomenon spread to the