Send in the crowds

If I had a penny for every time my spiritual director over the years has told me “all things Christ,” I would be a very rich woman indeed. Even after all the years of meeting for spiritual guidance, our sessions inevitably end

Mark of true beauty

Several years ago, when addressing the topic of culture and media influence on people of faith, Pope Benedict XVI gave us a great deal of food for thought: “Believers are conditioned by a culture of images that imposes contradictory models and impulses

Finding true joy

  I’m not sure where I first heard the suggestion that Christians need to think about the word “joy” as an acronym: Jesus first, others second, yourself last. This explanation hit so close to home that, to this day, the catchy phrase

A breath of fresh air

  The last few weeks in the media have been like none I’ve ever seen before, and I’ve been in this industry for nearly 40 years. Yet, the fallout from the encounter at the Lincoln Memorial — between a Catholic high school

Avoiding extremes

  “Fasten your seat belts. It’s going to be a bumpy night.” That famous line from Bette Davis’ feisty character in the classic 1950 film “All About Eve” can certainly be applied to what we’ve experienced and continue to experience in the

Geese and God winks

It was a tough year, and there is no indication that we’re going to have it any easier in 2019. In just a matter of weeks, the abuse crisis in the Church will be as front and center as it was last

Ignorance isn’t bliss

There is an old saying, “what you don’t know can’t hurt you.” And yet, when it comes to the choices we make and how we live our lives every day, eventually we realize just the exact opposite is true. Even Scripture tells

Peaceful Christmas?

So here we are, well into the Advent season — a season barely recognized by the world any longer. It’s a season that is meant for reflection, silence and anticipation. But everywhere we go, the Christmas carols have been playing for weeks

My happy place

Italy is my happy place. It’s not just because of my full-blooded Italian heritage. The beauty, even in the busy and ancient metropolis of Rome, is incomparable. Whether it’s the quaint cobblestone streets lined with lovely shops, bakeries and ristorantes, all of

Attitude of gratitude

A few months ago, after I posted information on an annual women’s pilgrimage to Italy, a trip I co-host each year, I read a very sad comment on my Facebook page. A woman said while a visit to Italy, and in particular