So, you’re too busy to pray?

For years, it was one of the most persistent questions I heard: “When are you going to write a book?” I heard it from friends, colleagues, priests and editors. I even got some emails from publishers who wanted to talk to me,

Life of Christ: The Annunciation

"Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you," the angel Gabriel greets Mary, using words familiar to us as the opening of the Hail Mary. Mary is "greatly troubled" at this salutation, not knowing what it means, but Gabriel reassures her:

Is teasing a sin against the Fifth Commandment?

Is teasing a sin against the Fifth (thou shall not kill and thou shall not harm) Commandment? Maybe. And to further clarify: sometimes. So what is teasing, what is sinning, and where's the line? In this post you'll find help in determining

Could pilgrimage be the new evangelization?

The Pilgrim Project, founded in 2015 by a group of young professionals from Washington, D.C., was the result of transformational, life-changing experiences on pilgrimage. These friends saw an opportunity to evangelize young adults through pilgrimage.

Finding faith, hope, encouragement for moms

Being a mother is wonderful. It comes with sweet-smelling newborns and sticky-fingered hugs from toddlers and teenagers that can blow you away with their surprising insights on life. But it’s hard, and getting harder, especially for Catholic moms who are trying to

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