How to cleverly deal with annoying neighbors

Bill Dodds gives some tips on how to be a good Christian neighbor, even to the neighbors who annoy us. Dodds encourages us to go higher: To soar with the saints as our feelings of annoyance fade in the bright light of

Fundamentals of getting away for a recharge

Bill Dodds writes, “No one can say Jesus was a coward. He never tucked his tail between his legs — or girded his loins — and ran away. He did, however, “escape” through a crowd that was out to get him and

What’s it take to be a good Catholic grandparent?

So, you’ve graduated from being a parent to a grandparent. Whether this happened recently or years ago, congratulations! The role of grandparents is underappreciated in our culture, and it’s also a big responsibility. As Bill Dodds writes in his entertaining style, “It

The compound interest of amazing grace

Bill Dodds discusses grace and three considerations of grace, writing " First, the dark side of this "compound interest" business. Sin builds on sin." Second, he says, "through grace, by grace, we can catch a glimpse of what, of who, we were

The wisdom of St. Francis de Sales

Bill Dodds offers a reflection on St. Francis de Sales and introduces us to an “Introduction to the Devout Life,” where the saint, Dodds says, “offers uncomplicated, doable, easy-to-remember and easy-to-apply ways we can, well, develop and live a devout life in

Compliment your way to heaven

Bill Dodds reminds us that “to say something even remotely kind to, or about, those “others” is giving aid and comfort to the enemy … Being kind is pretty much exactly what Jesus asked his followers to do. Asks us to do.

Have mercy on me, a sinner … but!

In his usual tongue-in-cheek style, Bill Dodds explores our tendency to not fully take full responsibility for our sins. From Adam and Eve to … whomever … there is always someone else to blame. But Dodds gives readers three suggestions on how

Your imagination is key to saintliness (or sinfulness)

Writer Bill Dodds explores how our imaginations play a crucial role in our saintliness … or sinfulness. He writes: “Pipedreams. Daydreams. Mindful, mindless mental meandering. All in our head. Sometimes, far from what our imagination was created for. For example, there’s this

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