Lent around the world

While Lent is traditionally a time of fasting and penance, Christians around the world have managed over the centuries to find colorful ways to participate. Here is a sampling of traditions from around the world. At the bottom of the page you’ll

Is Satan evil, or just God’s ‘bad cop’?

Way back in 1968, the popular rock band The Rolling Stones had a classic hit called “Sympathy for the Devil.” That’s a tune that medieval historian Henry Ansgar Kelly could well be singing these days. Kelly, who teaches at the University of

Can Catholics read ‘Harry Potter’?

Have you read the Harry Potter books yet? Maybe your children read them, or want to, but you feel uncertain as to whether or not you should let them. Or, you’ve heard about them and need a guide to help you decide

Spiritualities of the Catholic Church

“I’m not religious, but I am spiritual.” How often have you heard someone say something similar? Or perhaps even said it yourself. In our secular culture, being “religious” is often seen as being narrow-minded, judgmental and a bit of a nutcase. It

Four main principles divide Protestants, Catholics

So what, exactly, do Protestants believe? Today, Protestantism encompasses literally thousands of different groups or “denominations.” But they all trace their roots back to the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century. At that time, some Christians came to understand their faith differently.

Catholic myths dispelled

So much of what the Catholic Church teaches is taken out of context by a secular society that just doesn’t “get” the big faith picture or by other religious denominations that oppose many of our beliefs and practices. If you’re Catholic, then