The life of Rose of Viterbo: A visionary saint

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St. Rose of Viterbo
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St. Rose of Viterbo

Feast day: September 4

Born in Viterbo, Italy, Rose received a vision of the Virgin Mary at a young age. She joined the Third Order of St. Francis and began preaching in the streets. She rallied her Italian neighbors to oppose the emperor, who was at war against the pope. She was successful but was banished from Viterbo. She prophesied the emperor’s death and the restoring of peace to the region. Returning to Viterbo, Rose tried to enter the Poor Clares but was refused admission due to lack of a dowry. After her death at the age of 17, Pope Alexander IV ordered that she be buried in the convent. Rose was canonized in 1457. She is patron of people in exile, of Franciscan youth and of Viterbo.


O God, who gladden us each year with the feast day of blessed Rose,
grant, we pray, that we, who are called to honor her,
may also follow her example of holy living.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

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