Five reasons why I’m still marching for life

Pro-lifers rightly view the landmark Dobbs decision as a significant judicial victory, but Our Sunday Visitor editor Father Patrick Briscoe argues that attending the national March for Life is more important now than ever. He lists five reasons why he thinks every

Life after Roe demands creative love

Post-Dobbs, Our Sunday Visitor columnist Kathryn Jean Lopez urges a compassionate shift in pro-life advocacy. Recognizing the chaos of the current moment, she emphasizes individual responsibility. Advocating non-judgmental support, Lopez urges practical help for women with crisis pregnancies. She calls for creative

Happy new year, losers!

Our country has decided that our advocacy for the life of the innocent, fragile baby in the womb is a lost cause, writes Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, archbishop of New York. Our exhilaration at the long-fought-for-and-awaited overturning of the calamitous Roe vs.

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