The branches of Jesus’ family tree

In recent decades, genealogy has found a wider audience through technological developments that enable one to trace his or her ancestry down through the centuries without leaving the comfort of home. Beyond being a hobby for the historically intrigued, anyone engaged in

Prepare ye your Advent playlist

Christmas music is ever-present in our culture. You can’t walk into a store after Halloween without hearing a blast of Yuletide cheer. And while these songs are festive, they are also misplaced. Advent songs are far less familiar but every bit as

Opening the Word: The hidden coming

On Dec. 25, Christians throughout the world will direct their eyes to the crèche, remembering the birth of our infant Lord. In Bethlehem, hidden from all except the poor and lowly, God has pitched his tent among us. How are we to

Fasting in Advent?

Question: I have heard Advent used to be time of fast, much like Lent. Is this so, and what should we do? — Steven Acton, Washington, D.C. Answer: This is true. Advent was once treated more like Lent than it is today,

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