Are we called to preach the Gospel to animals?

A reader asks: “In Mark 16:15, Jesus says ‘Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.’ Why the word ‘creature’? Was this a foreshadowing of St. Francis who preached to birds? Please explain this term.” Monsignor Charles Pope

What happens to animals when they die?

In his latest Pastoral Answers column, Monsignor Charles Pope answers the question, “What happens to the souls of pets when they die? Is there any divine consideration?” He replies that the Church does not definitely teach what happens after death to animal

The blurred line of personhood

Kittens and infants are cute, playful and highly dependent on their mothers. Recently both received the attention of Congress. On March 7, Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon) introduced the Kittens in Traumatic Testing Ends Now (KITTEN) Act to prevent the USDA from euthanizing

Can pets love us back?

Question: Can our pets love us? — Paul VanHoudt,  Erie, Colorado Answer: No, our pets cannot love us in any human sense of the word. Love requires freedom and a rational soul. It is clear that pets, especially dogs and (sometimes) cats,