Opening the Word: Beloved, come

Tim O’Malley writes for The Baptism of the Lord, that the Word made flesh, the splendor of the Father, is baptized with a baptism of repentance. In this act, Our Lord places himself in the space of a sinner. He identifies with

Remembering the gift of baptism

As we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we should remember our own baptisms. Even if we were baptized as infants and cannot remember the event for ourselves, the fruits of the event continue in every moment of our

Reclaiming childlike wonder and anticipation this Advent

As Advent approaches, we can easily fall into the hustle and bustle of the season, losing our sense of childlike wonder. But instead of overcomplicating the start of our liturgical year, assistant editor Ava Lalor encourages everyone to slow down and reclaim