Opening the Word: Who do you serve?

In Opening the Word for the twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus proclaims in the Gospel a worrying parable of a dishonest steward, resulting in the exhortation that we cannot serve God and money. As Catholics, we adore Jesus Christ, the sole

Opening the Word: An urgent Gospel

Summer is a time for respite, for a leisurely peace where we get a chance to breathe. We go to pools, head out on vacation and enjoy the last quiet moments with our families before business resumes as normal. There is a

Christians: Expect division

We often hear commentators bemoan the partisan polarization that seems to have infected the United States. If only we could treat each other with a degree of decorum, to dialogue as equals, then perhaps we could pursue the common good. This political

Viewing Jesus as the Good Samaritan

The greatest threat to the Gospel may be not secularization or a culture hostile to Christianity. Instead, it may be ourselves, our own tepid preaching of the word. As a Church, we regularly reduce the Gospel to a series of moral principles.

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