How to be whole-hearted to God

Columnist Catherine Cavadini reflects on Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac and the dazzling image of Christ in the Transfiguration. If Abraham is “wholehearted” toward God, Abraham must offer everything to God, which includes offering Isaac. In the Gospel reading for

The art of speaking truth: Lessons from the prophet Nathan

Writer David Mills explores the story of the prophet Nathan confronting King David with his sins and draws valuable lessons for effective communication when delivering difficult messages. Careful application of such prophetic communication is needed, as the priest and writer Ronald Knox

God’s gratuitous mercy

Be ready for Mass for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. In this week’s Opening the Word Scripture reflection, columnist Catherine Cavadini reflects upon the Canaanite woman who asks Jesus to heal her daughter. The woman identifies herself as a “dog” seeking

Why was Jesus mad at the scribes?

A reader asks: “The Gospels frequently speak critically of the scribes and the Pharisees. I have an understanding of who the Pharisees were, but who were the scribes?” In his latest column, Monsignor Charles Pope explains that the Scribes in Jesus’s time

Who anointed the feet of Jesus?

A reader writes: “Regarding the woman that washed Jesus’ feet with her tears, John 11 tells us it was Mary who was Lazarus’ sister. Other times I hear the woman that did the washing was Mary Magdalene. Is Mary Magdalene Lazarus’ sister?

How do biblical genealogies work?

A reader asks: “On the feast day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Gospel is the genealogy of Jesus on Joseph’s side. It says Jesse was an ancestor of ‘Joseph, the husband of Mary.’ But, in the Liturgy of