Dissolving the dead

In recent years, a number of U.S. states have legalized a new way to process human corpses that some have called "dissolving the dead." Its technical name is "alkaline hydrolysis," but it is also known as biocremation, aquamation, green cremation and resomation.

When was the Sacrament of Marriage instituted?

A reader asks: “I was wondering when the Sacrament of Marriage was instituted? I always assumed it was at the marriage feast in Cana?” In his latest column, Monsignor Charles Pope gives his answer: “The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony has its origin

Monks honor the dead with their labor

In Iowa, Trappist monks manage the state’s second largest privately owned forest within their 1,800 acres. The land produces high-quality prized lumber, and the black walnut trees are considered some of the best. From that forest comes the business, Trappist Caskets, that