One of millions marking a birthday

It was nearly 40 years ago that my father died. I was just a small boy. Not long after that my mother got sick. We did everything we could. Goats were sacrificed. But it was hopeless. She died too. If it were

Looking through the ‘justice lens’

Some of the darkest days in the 75-year history of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) were in April 1994. Even as there was celebration of Nelson Mandela’s election in South Africa, there was horror at what was taking place in Rwanda: the slaughter

Following disaster wherever it goes

Catholic Relief Services, the official overseas humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States, got its start responding to an emergency. It was a big one called World War II, a massive shock that destroyed lives, homes and livelihoods, sending

Women at the heart of our work

When I became the first woman CEO of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in 2011, it was clear how important women were to this great organization. You only had to look around our headquarters in Baltimore, or travel to our offices around the

Legacy of the ‘Noodle Priest’

It would probably be a pretty safe bet that Msgr. John Romaniello is the only Catholic Relief Services executive to get a profile in Popular Mechanics magazine — and a sure bet that he was the only one to show up on