What really happened during the Crusades?

Most often we associate the term “Crusades” with an effort by the European Christians of the Middle Ages to take back the Holy Land, specifically Jerusalem, from the Muslims. Indeed, there were Crusades mounted for that reason. Popes from the 11th to

Church history: Pope Innocent III and the interdict

In Catholic Church history, one of the most famous controversies, and most famous crises between Church and state, between pope and king, took place in the early 13th century. The antagonists were Pope Innocent III and King John of England. Pope Innocent

The relics of Christ

Everyone passing away leaves behind material traces of their life. The existence of a Jewish man, called Jesus of Nazareth, is supported by strong historical evidence. The question therefore is raised: Are the various artifacts associated with his life truly authentic? Apart

Schism in the Western Church

Recently, Christians have heard much about the split in the Eastern Orthodox Church, between the church in Istanbul (Constantinople) and the church in Moscow. In October 2018, the patriarch of Constantinople agreed to the independence of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church — independent