Maryland’s Peace Cross memorial can remain

In approving the presence on public property of a cross-shaped memorial to servicemen who died in World War I, the Supreme Court left unresolved many of the uncertainties plaguing its church-state jurisprudence. The 7-2 decision came June 20 as the court hurried

Christ’s temptations

This week, a reader asks Monsignor Pope, Our pastor in his homily stated that "Jesus, to completely experience his/our human nature, was also tempted sexually." What does this mean? Monsignor reminds us that we ought not speak of the mystery of Christ's

Mercy for sale?

Question: I recently heard a passage where Jesus says, “Give alms and all will be forgiven you.” I am not sure where it comes from. But it sounds like he is saying we can buy forgiveness. Is this so? — John Jackson,

My Lenten prayer

It was just a Monday morning at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. I’ve been there countless times in my life. Whatever’s going on in the world, even when it’s bursting at the seams every