7 awesome songs to sing this Easter season

After refraining from saying “Alleluia” throughout the Lenten season, Gretchen Crowe’s household is ringing with glory and praise this Easter! In honor of this great time of feasting and celebrating, Crowe put together something special. In her latest column, she writes: “So

Middle East patriarchs urge Christian hope at Easter

In their Easter messages, Catholic patriarchs of the Middle East encouraged the hope of the Resurrection to triumph over suffering in the region.

Lebanese Cardinal Bechara Rai, Maronite patriarch of the Maronite Catholic church, lamented the economic, social and political crisis crippling Lebanon.

Share Easter joy with others, pope urges

The women disciples, who were the first to meet the risen Jesus, offer a lesson to all Christians: "We encounter Jesus by giving witness to him," Pope Francis said.

The entire city of Jerusalem had seen Jesus crucified on the cross, yet the

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