The exercise of Easter

In his homily on Psalm 148, St. Augustine speaks about the feast of Easter in a way that may sound strange to modern sensibilities. Today, Easter, like many feasts of the Church, is treated as but a single day. The feasting on

Childlike Easter

Kathryn Lopez writes, The Easter declaration is unlike any other declaration. It doesn't make us independent but rather resplendent in the glory of God. This season is about conversion and only the innocence of a child can herald the wonder with which

Why we are staying

For the past several years, we have solicited stories from those who converted to the Catholic faith to share in our Easter issue. This year, however, in the wake of a new wave of the clergy sexual abuse crisis, we asked readers

Opening the Word: The other signs

In the Gospel of John, Our Lord transformed water into wine at Cana, healed the royal official’s son, cured a paralytic, fed the crowd with miraculous loaves and fishes, walked on water, gave sight to the man born blind and raised Lazarus