The Eucharist is the cure for our loneliness

The Eucharist is a powerful remedy for our hearts. It brings us into communion with Christ Jesus, who loves us -- who is God and man. It brings people together in a community of faith that calls us to love and serve

Spending time with Jesus

D.D. Emmons reflects on the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Once the Blessed Sacrament is exposed, we sing a song of praise and then a time of silence, sacred silence, no chit-chat, no cell phones, no unnecessary noise. It is akin to

C.S. Lewis and the ‘Great War’ over imagination

While reading C.S. Lewis’ spiritual autobiography “Surprised by Joy” for the first time, Scott Richert, in his most recent column, reflects on the Great War over the role that imagination plays in bringing us to a knowledge of higher things. Richert poses

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