From the Chapel — May 31: Faith and hope

In his latest “From the Chapel” post, OSV publisher Scott Richert addresses the virtues of faith and hope. He writes: “We can look at a world beset by disease and division, by violence and hate, and cast about for political or technical

From the Chapel — May 30: Justice and Mercy

In his latest “From the Chapel” post, OSV publisher Scott Richert writes about the need for mercy and forgiveness. Reflecting on Walker Percy’s final novel, “The Thanatos Syndrome,” Richert addresses that justice is a start, but it’s only a start. Read his

From the Chapel — May 29: Drop the ball

In his latest “From the Chapel” post, OSV publisher Scott Richert writes about how, while transitioning to working from home, we have dropped the ball — but now in the way we would expect. Read all Scott’s reflection online.

From the Chapel — May 28: Flying blind

A bat visited the sleeping Richert house last night. In his From the Chapel post today, Scott reflects on when we find ourselves "flying blind," like the bat whizzing around his bedroom. Too often we find ourselves not knowing enough about where

From the Chapel — May 27: Mother’s Day

In his latest “From the Chapel” post, OSV publisher Scott Richert writes in honor of his mother’s eightieth birthday. He reflects that, while young people have been stripped of dances, sports and time spent with friends, even more they have missed out

From the Chapel — May 26: The flamingo kid

In his latest “From the Chapel” post, OSV publisher Scott Richert writes about his son leaving the nest to start his first post-college job. And while they couldn’t celebrate his graduation as they would have planned, they watched a family favorite, “The

From the Chapel — May 25: Meet John Doe

In his latest “From the Chapel” post, OSV publisher Scott Richert writes about his experience in viewing (again) the 1941 Frank Capra film “Meet John Doe” and how, while it might seem corny, the movie gets to the essence of what a

From the Chapel — May 24: In the good old summertime

Scott Richert writes in his latest “From the Chapel” reflection that “understanding our divinely appointed end, I’ve long suspected, is a necessary precondition for true leisure. Knowing where you’re headed, and thinking about the best way to get there, helps clear the

From the Chapel — May 23: Welcome home

OSV publisher Scott Richert writes that “this afternoon, as I was slogging my way virtually across Tennessee in (for the first time this year) seasonably warm and humid weather, my wife and younger children joined Father Tony, our seminarian for the summer

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