From the Chapel — May 21: Our true home

In his latest “From the Chapel” blog, OSV publisher Scott Richert writes that “the Ascension is the culmination of the Incarnation: The creator entered the world, became man, and now the God-made-man has entered heaven — and because he has, we can

From the Chapel — May 20: Lord of sea and sky

Scott Richert writes in his latest “From the Chapel” post that as churches around the country reopen, and with the threat of COVID-19 very much still present, parishes should consider moving many practices of the faith outdoors. Read more of Scott’s reflection

From the Chapel — May 19: The Great Reopening

In his latest “From the Chapel” post, OSV publisher Scott Richert writes, “As Father Tony, the priest at Saints. Peter and Paul in Huntington, Indiana, works hard this week to prepare the church for its reopening, he’s set aside an hour and

From the Chapel — May 18: Be the solution

In his latest “From the Chapel”post, Scott Richert writes that “the elderly, those with underlying conditions, the people who have reason to be concerned with contracting COVID-19: They are our friends and family and neighbors and co-workers. They are part of our

From the Chapel — May 16: Be not afraid

OSV publisher Scott Richert writes in his latest post that “fear isn’t confined to those who are more cautious. Many of the loudest voices in favor of easing restrictions have argued that more people will die from the economic mess our response

From the Chapel — May 14: Herd immunity

In his latest “From the Chapel” blog post, OSV publisher Scott Richert writes that “one of the hardest things about growing up is getting to know oneself, to question oneself, to come to grips with and to tame our childish desires. If

From the Chapel — May 12: Return to normalcy

In his latest “From the Chapel” post, OSV publisher Scott Richert writes that “there’s something comforting about living predictable lives. As the Catholic writer Walker Percy examined in his essays and his novels, there’s something numbing about it, too. If there’s been

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