Are Adam and Eve in heaven?

This week, Monsignor Charles Pope answers the question: Where do you think Adam is? While there is no formal declaration of Adam and Eve being in heaven, it is surely a well attested tradition on which we can rely, as suggested in

St. Paul’s problems

Question: God says to St. Paul in 2 Corinthians that whatever his “thorn in the flesh” was, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness” (12:7, 9). And in Romans, St. Paul says: “What I do, I

Seal of confession

Question: If a priest would consistently violate his vow of celibacy, even to the extent of abusing others, why should a penitent feel assured that a priest will not break the seal of confession? — Ed Siering, Muscatine, Iowa Answer: Absolute assurance

Loving the Spirit

Question: I have difficulty relating to the Holy Spirit. Is the Spirit a person? Are there any suggestions that you can make? — Name, location withheld Answer: Many do struggle to relate to the Holy Spirit as a person for two reasons.